Exterior Home Improvement Company
Roofing Company Lansing, MIGutters and Gutter Guards • Siding • Windows and Doors • Insulation
Home Improvement Loans

Michigan Saves

Affordable Home Improvement Loans

The Michigan Saves program offers affordable financing for approved home improvements including roofing, skylights, insulation, windows, doors and air sealing services.* This program offers the best rates and terms. As an authorized Michigan Saves contractor, we make it simple by guiding you through the entire process.  Get started today!

*For ENERGY STAR® or comparable materials. Insulation can be for attic, crawlspace, floor, joist & wall. Michigan Saves requires pre- and post installation blower door test for insulation work.

Finance Roof Replacement

This program helps make it affordable to pay for a new roof. Contact us to discuss your home repairs.

Utility bills down. Comfort levels UP.

Michigan Saves already negotiated the best rates and terms on your behalf but can also reduce your household costs. Updating your roof, insulation or drafty windows & doors can decrease your energy bills by 25-35%. After making energy efficient home improvements, homeowners have seen a savings of $200-$600 a year!

Get you the most for your money, energy, and time by updating your home. Start the process today!

Get Started

Start the process by contacting us to discuss your project.

How Does the Process Work?

Step 1: Contact us to discuss your project & get an estimate.

Step 2: Apply for financing through Michigan Saves using our authorized contractor’s number 100416. Click Here to Apply

Step 3: You will work with the lender. Once the loan is approved, we can begin the work on your home or business.