Winter Roof Preparation
Be sure your roof is ready to take on Mother Nature’s coldest, iciest conditions with some winter roof preparation tips.
Continue ReadingIcicles and Ice Dams
As a homeowner, you might wonder if you should clear the snow on the roof or knock the icicles down. The answer, unfortunately, isn’t cut and dried. Here’s what you should do if you find yourself with an excessively snowy winter
Continue Reading5 Ways to Check Your Home for Costly Air Leaks
Finding and fixing air leaks is one of the most cost-effective ways to conserve energy. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the average home has so many air leaks, they add up a 2-foot-square hole. That’s like leaving a medium-sized window wide open 24 hours a day. Get rid of the uncomfortable drafts this winter with these five ways to check for air leaks.
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